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My Truffle story

Truffle dogs: Welcome

Available for purchase

December-April 2024 I will be taking truffle orders for fresh

Native Black Truffles harvested by dogs out of the PNW

$40 an ounce 

*Orders must be placed a week in advance

*Local pickup and delivery only 

*Frozen or fresh truffles can be mailed upon special request, shipping not included in the pricing.

*Overnight shipping costs $35

*Payments via Venmo,Zelle or cash

 Email to place a truffle order or call Christina at

(509) 308-4656

Truffle dogs: Text
Truffle dogs: Pro Gallery

How we got started

What Motivates Us

There is no better feeling then wandering around the forest with my beloved companions watching them thrive knowing they have a purpose. Truffle hunting is a great way to form a tight bond with my dogs and get back that feeling of being balanced. 

 It all started with a dog named Sadie, who is now watching over us from doggy heaven. Sadie was a goofy yet intelligent Doberman and Labrador mix. She was such an amazing canine, from discovering truffles to saving a drowning bird in freezing water. Sadie was truly a very special dog! One day we were on a hike and I begun noticing spots where someone or something had been digging and I kept seeing these little black ball looking things as I did not think anything of it. Well, as time went on I would notice Sadie digging around in the dirt and I still ignored it. One day we had all of the dogs out on a hike and everyone was extra excited that day, I look over and I see Sadie kicking around a little round ball looking thing. She continued playing and throwing this object up into the air clearly trying to get my attention and when I approached her she pointed with her nose to this amazing smelling little black thing while wiggling her whole bottom at the same time. She was thrilled that she finally got my attention! I had no idea what this thing was but it smelled very good and interesting so I took the item home, washed it off, cut it open, and begun taking photos and asking around. I  posted some photos on a local foraging Facebook group in hopes of getting some leads. Come to find out she was finding Native Black Truffle mushrooms! Black forest gold they called it! I was overcome with excitement and began doing research upon research trying to learn as much as I could about these little gems. I learned that truffles only grow wild in Italy, Western Washington, Western Oregon, and very small parts of California and that's it. They can only be found by a trained dog or pigs. Since then I have trained 2 more dogs and even attended a few advanced professional training classes with The Truffle Dog Company in Seattle. This is truly my passion as It just came so naturally to me. I am able to do exercises and training techniques very easily due to my natural ability to train dogs. Truffle hunting takes months and even years of dedication, training, and scouting spots before being successful but with the proper knowledge, tools, and perseverance it is possible to become a truffle hunter. 

Truffle dogs: About

Introducing the truffle crew



Kymber's first truffle season was in 2024, she is an absolute rockstar. She found nearly 8 ounces of truffles on her first ever outing and roughly 6 lbs overall in her rookie season. She a machine in the field and has no fear when it comes to the more challenging ones. She's not afraid to go into those hard to reach areas and is an extremely fast worker. Kymber has great enthusiasm and is very eager to please. I have high hopes for her and we are excited for the seasons to come.



Tessa is very new to the truffle world as 2023 is her first active season out in the field. She is currently a trained Shed antler dog but as her recent interest is peaked in truffles we have decided to persue. She is absolutely dominating so far! Tessa found truffles on her first ever outing and every truffle hunt she finds more and more. I have high hopes for this awesome rookie as she continues to thrive and gain experience by shadowing the veteran hunters. Lots more exciting adventures to come!



Mochi is our second veteran truffle hunter, she began her truffle training in 2020 and has been active finding truffles since 2021. Mochi loves to run around while occasionally getting distracted by deer smells, Mochi is also trained to find antler sheds with her half sister Tessa. Mochi is a very faster worker, she often times digs up a truffle then takes off for the next before even getting her treat. She loves her job and is very fast and efficient.

Truffle dogs: Males
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